House Expects Report on Red Bull Scion Case in Dec

BANGKOK, Nov 26 (TNA) – The House committee on police affairs expects the police to conclude investigation related to the hit-and-run case of Red Bull scion Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya next month as the suspect was believed to be in Austria.

Sanya Nilsuphan, deputy head of the House committee, said representatives of the Royal Thai Police Office informed the committee today that police wrote to countries in their efforts to locate Mr. Vorayuth. Many countries were cooperative and the Interpol already issued its red notice in relation to the case.

Asked about the allegation that some police officers had protected the suspect from legal action, Mr Sanya quoted the Office of the Inspector General of the Royal Thai Police Office as reporting that 18 police officers were so accused and four of them had allegedly changed the reported speed of the suspect’s car. A report on the investigation into the alleged abuse of authority was expected to be concluded within December, he said.

Mr. Sanya also said that police assumed Mr. Vorayuth was in Austria but the assumption had yet to be confirmed because the suspect’s visa already expired.

Mr. Vorayuth, now 36, fatally smashed his Ferrari into the rear of the motorcycle of a 47-year-old police senior sergeant major of the Thong Lor station on Sukhumvit Road near his residence in Bangkok in the early morning of Sept 3, 2012, and fled the scene. He was 27 years old then. (TNA)


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