
Water Fights, Talcum Powder Banned during Songkran

BANGKOK, March 19 (TNA) – The Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) resolved to ban water fights and the use of talcum powder during this Songkran festival and extend state of emergency measures to control the disease for two months until May.

Deputy Public Health Minister Sathit Pitutecha said that CCSA allowed Buddha image bathing, traditional Thai New Year greetings for senior citizens and other religious activities and banned water fights and talcum powder application for this Songkran holidays.

The center also extended the imposition of the executive decree on public administration in emergency situations nationwide from April 1 to May 31.

In addition, CCSA made Samut Sakhon province an orange Covid-19 control zone instead of red. Consequently, local restaurants open until 11pm and customers can eat and drink there.

Entertainment places including pubs and bars remain closed. Shopping centers and department stores operate as normal. Schools reopen with students fully attending classes but can also implement alternative teaching solutions.

Outdoor exercise venues, gyms and fitness clubs reopen. They can organize competitions but must limit the numbers of spectators.

Thailand on Friday reported 100 new coronavirus cases, raising the total cases to 27,594 and one more death. The death toll rose to 90. (TNA)


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