Money for Workers, Employers in Dark-Red Zones
Workers and employers in nine business types affected by COVID-19 in ten hardest-hit provinces received financial aid through the government’s PromptPay payment system today.
Workers and employers in nine business types affected by COVID-19 in ten hardest-hit provinces received financial aid through the government’s PromptPay payment system today.
Thailand on Wednesday reported 20,200 new coronavirus cases and 188 more deaths, both the highest daily increases.
The Government Pharmaceutical Organization plans to produce more than 40 million tablets of favipiravir per month from October onwards.
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha bought one ton of longan, mangosteen and rambutan and donated the fruits to the workers and volunteers who are dealing with COVID-19.
The Royal Thai Army has opened a screening and isolation center at the Army Club where people can seek COVID-19 tests and see doctors.
The disease control center on Koh Samui of Surat Thani province on Monday reported six new COVID-19 cases on Koh Samui island, which were parts of a cluster from entertainment places on Hat Chaweng beach in Bor Phut sub-district.
BANGKOK, Aug 3 (TNA) – The country logged 18,901 new COVID-19 cases and 147 new fatalities on Monday, according to the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration. The new cases comprised 18,158 cases among general people and 743 among prison inmates. Since last year, there have been 652,185 cases, 437,831 of whom recovered and the death […]
The COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer would be administered for doctors, nurses, medical students, rescue workers and undertakers who were in close contact with COVID-19 cases, according to the Public Health Ministry.
Ten demonstrators were arrested after a clash between protesters and police yesterday, according to the Royal Thai Police Office.
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha inaugurated the Red Line electric railway service on Rangsit-Bang Sue and Bang Sue-Taling Chan sections.
BANGKOK, Aug 2 (TNA)- The Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration extended its lockdown measures for 14 more days and expanded areas under the measures to 29 provinces. Dr Apisamai Srirangson, assistant spokeswoman for the CCSA, said the imposition of the lockdown measures were extended from Aug 3 to 18 and the number of provinces subject […]
Representatives of six media organizations sent an open letter to the prime minister, demanding he lift restrictions on the freedom of expression of people and media organizations.