Ramathibodi Hospital Reports One Staff Injury After Fire

BANGKOK, March 12 (TNA) – Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok reported that all patients were safe following a fire on Tuesday night, but one staff member sustained injuries from smoke inhalation and is being treated in the ICU. The hospital anticipates resuming partial operations within one week.

The fire originated on the second floor of the main building (Building 1), in the radiology department’s office and film storage area, near the blood bank and pathology lab.

Dean at Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Clinical Professor Artit Ungkanont said that smoke spread to the third and fourth floors, prompting the evacuation of 191 patients from the building.  

All patients were safely evacuated and relocated to other buildings within the hospital complex. The fire was contained within 20 minutes, but smoke and soot affected the second, third, and fourth floors, including the radiology and pathology labs, which are temporarily closed.

One staff member, who assisted with the evacuation, is being treated for smoke inhalation in the ICU. The hospital confirmed that there was no radiation leakage, as the X-ray machines were deactivated during the incident. The fire did damage the blood bank’s refrigeration system, resulting in the loss of approximately 100 units of blood. Non-urgent surgeries requiring large blood volumes have been postponed.

Preliminary structural inspections by the Engineering Institute of Thailand indicate the building remains structurally sound, though further in-depth assessments are pending. Forensic investigators believe the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit in the ceiling. Due to the building’s age and frequent modifications and renovations, there are numerous old electrical wires in the ceiling. The melted wire will be taken to the laboratory for further examination.

The hospital expects to resume regular ward, intensive care, and delivery room services within a week, excluding the fire-affected areas. – 819 (TNA)


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