PM Attends ASEAN-China Special Summit

BANGKOK, Nov 22 (TNA) – ​Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-cha proposes three priorities to further strengthen and deepen relations between ASEAN and China at the ASEAN-China Special Summit.

Prime Minister and Defense Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha on Monday attended via a teleconference the ASEAN-China Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations which was co-chaired by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and President Xi Jinping of People’s Republic of China.

According to Government Spokesperson Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, the Prime Minister extended his congratulations on the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations.

Today’s meeting is an opening of the new chapter in ASEAN-China history as a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership”, which will further strengthen and deepen relations, leading to enhancement of cooperation in all dimensions in a concrete manner. This will also lead to advancing into the new decades together in a secure, prosperous and sustainable manner, he said.

Thailand has set out the national development vision with a view to elevating people’s quality of life and improving their capacities to be ready for the 21st Century. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and other pressing challenges, the country is advancing into the “Next Normal by reinventing Thailand”.

The Prime Minister suggested 3 priorities to attach utmost importance to as follows:

First, people-centered development that leaves no one behind should be focused, and people’s quality of life should be elevated for their well-being, in line with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, which guides people to live on the basis of moderation, reasonableness and self-immunity in coping with future challenges and emergencies. ASEAN can exchange with and learn from China’s achievements on several aspects, such as sustainable agriculture including in manufacturing, processing, and value-adding for agricultural products.  ASEAN can exchange with and learn from China’s achievements on poverty and hunger eradication, food security promotion through the “Clean Plate” Policy.  Furthermore, Thailand supports China’s continued and constructive role in narrowing development gaps both in ASEAN and the sub-regions, particularly the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation framework, under which Thailand will assume co-chairmanship with China in 2022, and ACMECS, of which China is one of the key Development Partners.

Second, ASEAN and China should focus on enhancing our socio-economic resilience from the grassroots. This includes reforming learning process and developing potentials of people across all ages by utilizing science, technology and innovation in an appropriate and safe manner in order to promote. Competitiveness must also be improved, both in terms of scale and speed, as well as boost potentials of the business sector, particularly MSMEs, women entrepreneurs and vulnerable groups, to prepare them for the 4IR and digital transformation. ASEAN and China should add value to our economic partnership by promoting digital economy and e-commerce in tandem with expeditiously building digital society for well-being in the Next Normal era.

Third, sustainable and environmentally-friendly development is necessary for the survival of mankind. Thailand reaffirms commitment to continuing the proactive role in advancing cooperation in this field both at the regional and global levels, by focusing on promoting balance of all things and sustainability in all dimensions. Thailand proposes the BCG Economy Model as one of the approaches to achieve those goals. Thailand is ready to earnestly make progress in addressing climate change by every means possible with a view to reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 and net zero emission by 2065. (TNA)


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