House Committee Asked to Solve High Fuel Prices

BANGKOK, Nov 17 (TNA) – The Land Transport Federation of Thailand asked the House committee on energy to solve high fuel prices and threatened to escalate its pressure like that in Germany.

Apichart Prairungruang, chairman of the federation, sent a letter to seek a solution to high fuel prices to Cholnan Srikaew, leader of the Pheu Thai Party, and Kittikorn Losunthorn, Pheu Thai MP who chairs the House committee on energy.

Mr. Apichart said retail oil prices were rising in the country while there were unfair oil price structures and problems about energy management which affected people and oil users directly and indirectly.

The federation demanded the government and the Energy Ministry cap the price of B7 or B6 diesel at 25 baht per liter for one year during the COVID-19 crisis and cut the excise tax on diesel by five baht per liter for one year.

If the government does not discuss the issue with the federation within Dec 1, the federation will copy a demonstration model of Germany by adding 20 liters of oil to its trucks at a time and the trucks will then have to stop wherever they run out of fuel, Mr. Apichart said. (TNA)


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