Pig Farmers Thank Govt for Cracking Down on Contraband Pork

BANGKOK, Nov 15 (TNA) – Pig farmers express gratitude to the government for its swift action against contraband pork, as Makro confirms discontinuation of pork purchases from the Wealthy and Healthy Foods Co.,Ltd. since mid-2022 after discovering substandard products.

Mr. Surchai Sutthitham, the president of the National Swine Farmers Association, reveals that in the past two months, the government has intensified efforts to combat the illegally imported pork and to arrest perpetrators and state officials involving in the pork smuggling.

This is good news for pig farmers as it has led to a reduction in the quantity of contraband pork, allowing Thai pork to gain a stronger foothold in the market. Thai pork is raised with a focus on health standards, but the industry has long struggled with accumulated losses, impacting farmers and creating financial pressures due to high production costs.

The ongoing crackdown, inspections at the Laem Chabang port, and nationwide cold storage checks continue to be essential. Over the past two years, approximately 1,000 containers of illegal pork entered Thailand, disrupting the swine industry both in terms of pricing and production. He also urged the government to address the low price of Thai pork.

Regarding Makro, the company issued a statement concerning the news related to Wealthy and Healthy Foods, the frozen pork importers. The company clarified that it ceased purchasing pork from the mentioned supplier since mid-2022 due to the discovery of substandard products.

The company emphasizes that it has terminated orders, including the cancellation of liver purchases. Makro assures consumers that all products sold in their stores meet quality standards, undergo thorough inspections, and affirms that the company does not support illegal imports in any form. Makro is willing to collaborate in verifying and preventing any unlawful activities. (TNA)


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