
Pheu Thai to Add 5 More Parties in Its Coalition

BANGKOK, Aug 9 (TNA) – The Pheu Thai party is preparing to announce its alliance with five more political parties to form a coalition government.

This move is expected to increase its coalition’s strength by 14 seats.

The party is ready to announce its collaboration with 5 political parties to form a government at the Parliament building, scheduled for 12:00 PM today.

Five political parties include the Prachachart Party with 9 seats, the Seri Ruam Thai Party with 1 seat, the Peu Thai Ruamphalang with 2 seats, the Plung Sungkom Mai, and the Party of Thai Counties, each with 1 seat. This sums up to a total of 14 seats.

Prior to this, the Pheu Thai party had already joined forces with the Bhumjaithai party with a total of 212 seats. If they secure an additional 14 seats, the coalition would reach 226 seats.

Furthermore, on August 10, the Pheu Thai party is set to announce its government formation along with the Chart Thai Pattana party at the Parliament building as well.

With an additional 10 seats, this would lead to a coalition of 236 seats under the leadership of the Pheu Thai party. (TNA)


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