Thai Government Vows to Continue Boosting the Country’s Competitiveness

BANGKOK, July 3 (TNA) – The Thai government vows to
continue its efforts to boost the country’s competitiveness by utilizing
innovation, creativity and technology

In the seminar “Thailand Competitiveness Conference 2019:
Rethinking the Future” on Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu
Krea-ngam said Thailand had drastically strengthened its competitiveness in the
past decade.

Thailand was ranked 25th in the 2019 IMD World
Competitiveness Rankings by the Switzerland-based International Institute for
Management Development or IMD, he said.

The country moved up from the 30th place in the previous
year which showed great improvement, Wissanu said.  But he admitted there had been shortcomings
such as those in economic structure giving rise to low productivity.

After five year, the current government would pass on main
development strategies to the next government, Wissanu said.

The Deputy Prime Minister who is in charge with legal
affairs is expected to retain his post in the next government. 

The 2019 IMD World Competitiveness Rankings released in late
May reflects the business friendly environment and the dynamism of the economy
which are the key factors attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to the
country, according to Thai officials. (TNA) 


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