Four Injured in Pattani Car Bomb

PATTANI, March 18 (TNA) – Attackers planted a time bomb under a female defense volunteer’s car that detonated while she was driving, causing serious injuries. Three civilians were also wounded by shrapnel.

A red Suzuki vehicle belonging to Ms. Sureeyani Seeba, 40, a female defense volunteer, burst into flames as she was driving to work in Kapor district, Pattani province at approximately 9:50 AM Monday morning.

Fortunately, the female volunteer managed to escape before the fire completely engulfed her vehicle. She suffered burns to multiple parts of her body, particularly severe burns on her back, and was rushed to the hospital.

Additionally, three nearby residents were injured by bomb fragments including two women, 18 and 61 and a 6-year-old girl.

Investigations revealed that when Ms. Sureeyani drove to the location, approximately 800 meters from her workplace at the Kapor district office, an explosion occurred from beneath the rear of the vehicle, igniting a fire. The female volunteer immediately abandoned the vehicle after seeing the explosion.

Authorities suspect insurgents targeting government officials planted the bomb under the car. Investigators believe the explosion was timed to detonate when the vehicle reached the district office parking area, but since Ms. Sureeyani was running late for work yesterday, unlike her usual schedule, the bomb exploded while she was still en route. Police are currently investigating to identify the perpetrators. -819 (TNA)


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